Prior to photos being taken, order forms are sent home with each person to be filled out and returned on photo day!  We recognize that under certain circumstances, the form may not make it home or back.  So to help address this issue, we have developed on on-line ordering system which can be used in place of the form.   You can Order your Sports Packages before the event online even if you do not have a form!  Just click here to begin!

If you have received the form, just fill it out and return it to the photographer on photo day! It is that simple.

In the event you did not receive the form and knew nothing about photo day, you can still order your photos on-line or send in your form.  Our late order policy will explain how the order will be treated. (We do try to take all the individuals on photo day... so hopefully your child was photographed!)

Any questions can be forwarded to or just call us at 440.729.0995


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